Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 28 2022 - Aug 30 2022
- Time: 22:00 - 06:00
Project Management Inbound
In-house online training with Lazada Logistics.
2-full day training that introduces the project management framework, current trend and rapid changes digital era, project management process group, how to initiate the project, planning the project, execute project plan, monitor and control project work.
In this course, the participants will learn to initiate, plan and execute a full-scale project under typical organizational constraints. They will will work together in teams with other participants defining objectives and performing tasks and monitor progress critical to the project success. Follow their project through phases in the life cycle, resolving issues of performance, leading teams and communicate effectively with stakeholders. They will also learn Risk management and Agile mindset in managing project and managing project uncertainties.
Sessions Agenda: 29 – 30 August 2022
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