
Our SPECIALTY courses are what separate us from the competition in the world of project management training. These courses focus on unique niche topics and tools valuable to a practicing project manager in the field.

Project Management Information System using Microsoft Project

Microsoft® project training program is designed to expand your knowledge base and technical skills about Microsoft Project.

Peoject Management Information System using Primavera

Primavera P6 training program is designed to expand your knowledge base and technical skills about Project Scheduling

Our course series are divided into several phase to enhance the skills step by step and align with the current level. You can choose whatever series that are suitable for you.

Project management is an art and science. It can’t be mastered with book knowledge alone but requires real–world practice and skills.Learn More »

As project manager with years of experiences, we need to advance our technical skills as well as our interpersonal skills that are required to manage project successfully.Learn More »

Experienced project managers need advanced skills to execute business strategy effectively. Our advance courses were designed to meet the needs of these experienced professionals.Learn More »

As project manager, being internationally recognized is a must. Certification is one of way to prove your skillsLearn More »

Project Managers touch many elements of systems and software development projects, so they need a variety of tools for success.

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