21 Jun Your Personality & Project Management Style
This article was copied by a book entitled “Project Management Made Easy”. It is really a great book if you want to know how to be an effective project manager. You can learn so many things from this book. But, if you don’t have time and want to know what type of your project management style, you can read this short article. Happy reading!
Our personality and character are the essence of who we are and stay with us forever. Without our personality, we and others would not have a basis by which to communicate and or judge us. We will first discover what personality type you are. Do you have the traits of a Type A or Type B personality?
Type A Aggresive
Time Urgency
Type B Creativity
Type B is the average person, the norm. Often organizations and companies seek Type A personalities for positions, such as a CEO or Account Managers. Type B personalities are sought after for positions, such as graphic designers and writers. So what does this have to do with project management? The majority of Project Managers have Type A personalities. Successful project managers have to aggressive, risk takers with the ability get things no matter what it takes. This is not to say that a person with a Type B personality cannot be good project manager, it is just to say that these people are forced to act outside of their personality to be successful.
For Type A, they lack patience and creatively, two things that are important factors when managing a project. For a both the type A and B personality, it is the acknowledgement of these potential limitations that will be incredibly helpful when the situation requiring these traits arise.
Having these potential limitations will not stop you from completing a project, but not acknowledging them will. Learning to be honest with yourself is the one of the greatest personal growth accomplishments you can achieve. It is from here that you can honestly commit to change. It is widely accepted in the medical and mental health field that the first step to recovery is always acceptance. So let’s have an honest discussion about you! What are your potential limitations or circumstance that might prohibit you from completing this project to its fullest potential?
Try Something New
If you procrastinate: STOP IT! Start immediately. Make the time. Decide how much time each day you are going to dedicate to the project. Commit to that time and do it. If you struggle with anxiety, evaluate first-hand if you are in the middle of an episode. Figure out ways to continue even if you are unable to do so. Be honest and acknowledge this is not the time to take on another project. Trying to accomplish something in this state of frustration and flux or not being able to commit your resources and energies to the fullest may just drive you deeper into depression.
If circumstances are that you do not have the resources (time and/or monies) to commit to this project, than you should decline. If commitment for a project is unavoidable, then look at your schedule and find the will to make time to complete it. Consider committing an hour a day. Remember, whatever you commit to, you must adhere to.
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